The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (2024)

Bethany Freudenthal|Las Cruces Sun-News

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (1)

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (2)

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LAS CRUCES - On Feb. 10, 1990,two men walked into a Las Cruces bowling alley and shot seven people execution style—including four children —robbed the bowling alley's safe and set the business on fire. The two men left before authorities arrived.

Thirty years later, the case remains unsolved.

Four people inside the bowling alley died that day, and a fifth person years later. The two survivors don'twant to talk about it.

Two things remain from the tragedy known colloquially as the bowling alley massacre — the invisible scar imprinted on everyone with a memory of that day and the indomitable spirit of the investigators who believe this case will be solved.

Inside the bowling alley

Stephanie Senac, 34, was managing Las Cruces Bowl on that fateful Saturday morning. She brought her 12-year-old daughter, Melissia Repass, to work with her. Also inside the bowling alley were Amy Houser, 13, who was going to work in the center's day care and Ida Holguin, 30, the cook.

Holguin would tell police that she thought the two men who came through an unlocked door that morning — about 8:20 a.m., or 40 minutes before the bowling alley opened for business—were there to clean. But themen weren't there to help. Instead, they displayed .22-caliber pistols and held the four at gunpointinSenac's office.

Keep reading: Las Cruces Bowl massacre still unsolved; $25,000 reward for information

Into the bowling alley walked Steven Teran, 26, the bowling alley mechanic, along with his two daughters — 6-year-old Paula Holguin (no relation to Ida) and 2-year-old Valerie Teran.

Steven Teran, who had given his two weeks' notice, couldn't find a babysitter that day and decided to take his two young children to the center's day care.

In a moment they too would be herded into Senac's office. The gunman fired 25 times, many shots at close range. They took between $4,000 and $5,000 from the safe, leaving some money behind, and setfire to the office.

A 12-year-old's call to 911, after a shot to the head

At 8:33 a.m., after the gunman had fled, Melissia — who had been shot in the head — picked up a phone and called for help.

In her call, Melissiatells the 911 operator to please help her, because, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven," people had been shot. Melissiaknew the address — 1201 E. Amador — and remained calm enough to tell the operator that she and all the victims were in the business office and that it was on fire.

"Please hurry … it hurts … I'm the only one conscious … I'm holding my mommy," she says.

(The following audio 911 call may be disturbing for some readers. Story continues below. If the 911 call recording does not load, click here.)

'What kind of animal?'

As Melissia was on the phone with 911, Las Cruces Police Department Det. Chuck Franco, who was assigned to the criminal investigations division,had just put on a pot of coffeeand was getting ready for the day. Hissergeant called and told him to get down to the bowling alley, where there'd been a shooting.

Franco rushed there, and even though by then he'd had years of law enforcement experience, nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see.

Others are reading: Feb. 10 marks 30th anniversary of still unsolved Las Cruces bowling alley massacre

Steven Teran,Paula Holguin and Houser were dead. The others were in critical condition.

"My first thought was what kind of animal could do this to kids," Franco said.

Det. Rose Marquez-Maese was also one of the first responders. She initially thought it was a drill.

"As I went into the bowling alley I saw the little girl, the 6-year-old, and that's when I realized it wasn't a mock scene. I saw that she had soiled her pants, and it was then that I realized that it was not a mock scene," she said.

Valerie Teran, the youngest victim, was still alive when authorities arrived. She and the other victims were rushed to Memorial General Hospital (now Memorial Medical Center). Valerie died shortly after being admitted.

Senac, who would move out of Las Cruces after the shooting, died nine years later from injuries sustained in the shooting.

At the hospital after the massacre

Anthony Teran, Steven's younger brother, was in his dorm room at New Mexico State University when he received a phone call from a nurse at Memorial saying he needed to get down there right away, but didn't explain why.

As he rushed to the hospital, Anthony said many questions were racing through his mind. Earlier, on the radio, he'd heard about a shooting, but didn't know it was at the bowling alley, and didn't think about it en route.

"I walked in and it was like time had stopped. Everybody kind of had a feeling they knew who I was. Everybody stopped and turned around and looked at me, and I'm thinking, what the hell, did I not get dressed, is my hair still screwed up? Why did everybody stop and is just staring at me," he said.

Keep reading: Police still seek tips in Bowling Alley Massacre

As he continued through the emergency room, Anthony said he heard one nurse tell another that he had arrived, and the second nurse walked up to him and asked him to follow her.

"She turned around and I grabbed her by the arm and I said, 'what the hell's going on, why is everybody treating me like this, what happened,'" he said.

The nurse looked at him, apologized and again asked him to follow her.

The nurse led Anthonyto an emergency room where he saw his sister-in-law, Audrey Teran. Anthony asked her what happened.

"And she's trying to catch her breath between sobbing, and she just says, 'there was, there was,a robbery at the bowling alley, and they shot and killed your brother,'" Anthony said.

Anthony then asked about Paula and Valerie.

"And she started crying even more and then she kind of caught her breath, and she goes, 'and they shot and killed them too,'" Anthony said.

A memory

Today, Anthony still remembers the last time he saw his brother and hisniece, Paula.

The Thursday preceding the shooting, Steven and Paula stopped by his dorm room to drop off some mail.

Anthony remembers talking to his brother about some mechanical work that needed to be done on his vehicle, while Paula played nearby in the grass.

The two agreed Anthony would bring his vehicle by the bowling alley Saturday afternoon, so Steven could take a look at it.

Anthony said his brother then gave him a side hug and said goodbye and then turned to Paula.

More: 28th anniversary of bowling alley mass shooting approaches; $25,000 reward for information

"Hey, did you say goodbye to your uncle? You'd better say goodbye," Steven Teran told his daughter.

Anthony remembers Paula came running at him with arms wide open and a big smile, and gave him a strong hug.

She then ran back to her dad, who put his arm around her and helped her into the car, the same white car they would driveto the bowling alley two days later.

Investigation of the massacre begins

Melissia and Ida wereable to describeto authorities the two men theysaw and multiple agencies assisted in setting up road blocks on all roads leading out of Las Cruces.

In time, the suspects'descriptions would be a youngHispanic man, 29 or 30 years old, 5-feet- 10-inches tall, weighing 170 pounds, with dark wavy hair, light-colored eyes and no accent when he spoke;and an older Hispanic man described as 45 or 50 years old, 5-feet 7-inches tall, weighing about 140 pounds, with thinning salt and pepper hair, a dark complexion and a slight Spanish accent when he spoke.

Composite sketches of the two men were drawn in 1990 and again in 2005 to depict how they might have aged.

Other than the three initial survivors,there is only one other recordedwitness. Marquez-Maese said a man across the street on a ladder painting a buildingtold police he saw two men crossing Amador Avenueand running south.

Authorities received more than 100 tips an hour in the aftermath of the shooting — and still get tips to this day —but none so far have panned out.

Marquez-Maese said she believes themen laid low in the community for some time after the massacre. She also believes they had help.

"I feel hopeful that someone is out there that does know a little bit or a whole lot about the case and, for whatever reason, they have withheld information. But I urge them to please come forward. Everyone needs closure in this. The community, the relatives. We need closure to this we need to find out who did this," she said.

Potential suspects in the shooting

Franco believes the gunmen wereprofessionalsbecause of the type of weapon they used, how thevictims were shot and because thesuspects tried to get rid of evidence.Franco said the shooting possibly was meantto send a message.

Police explored a tie to apopulation of Cubans who lived nearthe bowling alley.Marquez-Maese said she still believes someone from that community could have answers.

Authorities also considered revenge against then-owner Ronald C. Senac — who was also Stephanie's fatherand in Arizona the day of the shooting — as a motive.

"What led us to think the crime was related to (Senac), his lack of cooperation made it seem like, 'Ah, there's more to it than that," Franco told the Sun-News in 2010. "The shooters were initially thought to be from Las Cruces, but information later led us to believe they were from out of state and sent here to do a job."

An uneventful civil suit was brought against Ronald Senac in 1995.

Gloria Woods, Houser's mother, said during the trial that Senac's lawyers followed her outside one day during a smoking break and offered her $30,000.

"I got so mad," Woods told the Sun-News in 2010. "I said, 'Why don't you slap me in the face? Not only no, but hell no. I'd rather have nothing than take that.' And I'm not sorry I said that. It's about what's right, and 'OK, we accept the responsibility, we left the doors unlocked.' That's how those men got in. That doesn't mean (bowling alley management) wanted my daughter killed, but that's how they looked at it and that upsets me because they were negligent and those men did go in through unlocked doors. And maybe they would have broken a window and still got in, but that would have it a process where (employees) were alerted in some way. And it wasn't that way."

Obstacles in the investigation

When first responders arrived on scene, they used fire extinguishers to put out the fire that had been set inthe office, and also dragged bodies to safer areas. While it may have saved lives, the action couldalso have extinguished evidence.

"Obviously some evidence may have been ruined during that process,"Marquez-Maese said. "Not their fault. Initially, I believe the police officers were desperate to get the bodies out so that they could save lives. They weren't sure at the time who was alive and who was deceased."

For the past three and a half years, LCPD Det. Amador Martinez has headed up the department's effort to close the book on thiscase.

He said had the massacre happened today, detectives would have used newer techniques to preserve evidence. In 1990, investigatorsdid the job they knew how to do.

To this day, investigators don't have a "DNA profile" of the suspects, Martinez said. What they do have is a lot of fingerprints and a lot of old school methods that don't quite mold into the new technologies, he said.

"The advent in technology, the difference in technology, it's at our disposal, we just have to find that right piece that will fit into that mold, that will fit into this new DNA technology, this new genealogy tree that we can use. We just have to find that piece and I'm positive we have it. I just haven't found it yet," Martinez said.

New evidence in the case

Martinez said he routinely sends newevidence to the crime lab in Santa Fe.

"Sometimes I'll send an item up to the lab for evaluation, and they'll come up with a profile, so essentially we've generated a piece of evidence from a piece of evidence, and then it's my job to go out and take care of it. To figure out where was this person, was this person involved, if there's any association to this massacre, to this individual," he said.

As the lead detective on thecase, Martinez said he has spent hours going through evidence to follow up onleads, sometimes traveling out of state.

"I reached out to entities in Rhode Island, I think that we had someone in San Francisco help us out on a lead, so it's across the nation," Martinez said.

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (3)

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (4)

Anthony Teran urges police not to give up on the bowling alley investigation

Listen: Anthony Teran, whose family members were killed 30 years ago at Las Cruces Bowl, discusses the police investigation into their deaths.

Bethany Freudenthal, Las Cruces

Martinez saidhe receives tips monthly.

"Some months we get just numerous tips and there's really no telling why or what the reasoning is, why people come forward, but they do. So in random months I'll get inundated with them and some months are a little lean," he said.

Around the anniversary, Martinez said he usually gets a flood of calls.

"I'm grateful for that. I really am. It allows me an avenue to pursue new leads to follow, because sometimes we get frustrated that we don't have as many leads as we need to have," he said.

Will the case be solved?

Martinez, as well as Franco andMarquez-Maese — neither of whom are still with LCPD —are optimistic the bowling alley massacre suspects will be identified.

In fact,Franco, who now works in the Doña Ana County assessor's office,said he'd gladly go back to work this case for free. The relatives of the victims — and the community — need closure, he said.

"Try to understand how those children felt when they saw what was going on. Like I said, they look to us for guidance, and for love, and for affection, and to see someone doing that to other people close to them, what do you think those children were thinking, and if you know anything that would help us find these animalswho would do this, please come forward," he said.

Marquez-Maese also made a plea to those with information to come forward.

"How can you live with yourself. It's been so many years. Think of the family that was left behind. Come forth, just get it off your chest," she said.

Lingering effects of the tragedy

The day of the massacre, Franco said he and another detective were assigned to take the crime scene video.

"The most impactful part of that video was when I came up to the children on the floor. We were videoing them and it dawned on me immediately, these children are on the floor in the same fetal position that my son sleeps in," he said.

Marquez-Maese said she thinks about these murders often.

"It doesn't stop. I'm sure it hasn't stopped for (the other detectives)," she said.

Since the massacre,Marquez-Maese said she's only been inside the bowling alley about five times.

"Even though it has been redesigned, I see it as I saw it that day, and I cannot forget that. I don't have good feelings about going in there. It brings back some very sad times for all of Las Cruces," she said.

A bowling alley continued to be housed inside the Las Cruces Bowl building until June 2018 whenthe owners of 10 Pin Alleyshut the doors. The building has sat vacant since.

Seeking justice for the victims

Anthony Teran said he'd like Steven, Paula, Valerie, Amy, and Stephanie to be remembered as people, notjust a statistic.

"Hey, they went to the same restaurantswe went to.They played inthe same parks you did.They lived and they spent time in the stores just like you did. They laughed and they cried and they were people who were part of the community. They're not a statistic.They're people that lived there who didn't deserve to be taken away like they (were)," he said.

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (5)

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (6)

Bowling alley victim's brother remembers tragedy

Anthony Teran, who's brother and two nieces were killed 30 years ago in the Bowling Alley massacre, is still seeking justice for the victims.

Bethany Freudenthal, Las Cruces

Steven Teran, who was afirst lieutenant in the Army, had made a commitment to be a fall guy if it came to it, Anthony said. That factors into his memory of his brother.

"I can see my brother.I look at his picture…he's looking at me in my eyes, and I can hear him telling me, 'you know what, yeah, it sucks for all of us, but bro, do something about my daughters. Do something for my daughters. They did not deserve this,'"Anthonysaid.

For the 30-year anniversary of the case, Las Cruces Crime Stoppers has announced a $30,000 reward for information that helps identify the men responsible for the mass shooting. Tips can be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Tips can also be provided online atNMCrimeStoppers.orgor through the Crime Stoppers app, “P3 TIPS.” The app is available through the App Store on most devices.

Bethany Freudenthal can be reached at, 575-541-5449or @bethanyfreuden1on Twitter.

Bowling alley massacre

Feb. 10, 1990:That was the day that seven people were shot, and four died, in an execution-style shooting, and robbery, at what was then theLas Cruces Bowl, 1201 E. Amador Ave. A bowling alley continued to be housed inside the Las Cruces Bowl building until June 2018 whenthe owners of 10 Pin Alleyshut the doors. The building has sat vacant since.

The victims:Those killed at the bowling alley on Feb. 10, 1990 were Steven Teran, 26, who worked there; his 2-year-old daughter, Valerie Teran; 6-year-old Paula Holguin, Teran's stepdaughter; and Amy Houser, 13. Three others were critically wounded, including Stephanie Senac, the bowling alley's manager, then 34; Ida Holguin, a 33-year-old cook at the bowling alley — and not related to Paula Holguin; and 13-year-old Melissia Repass, Senac's daughter. Stephanie Senac died Aug. 13, 1999 of complications from her injuries.

The suspects:Investigators believe the suspects are Hispanic with dark complexions. Both suspects spoke fluent English.Today, the older suspect would be in his late 60's or early 70's. The younger suspect would be in his late 50's or in his early 60's. Composite sketches of the men were drawn in 1990 and again in 2005 to depict how they may have aged.

Clues and information:For the 30-year anniversary of the case, Las Cruces Crime Stoppers has announced a $30,000 reward for information that helps identify the men responsible for the mass shooting. Tips can be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Tips can also be provided online atNMCrimeStoppers.orgor through the Crime Stoppers app, “P3 TIPS.” The app is available through the App Store on most devices.

Film screening:“A Nightmare in Las Cruces,” a movie about the mass shooting originally released in 2010, is scheduled to screen 7 p.m. Monday at Cineport 10 inside Mesilla Valley Mall. The film has been re-released with new footage. If Monday night's a sellout, the film will screen again Wednesday.

The Las Cruces bowling alley massacre happened 30 years ago — will it ever be solved? (2024)
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