The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)

TWELVE THE DAILY PANTAGRAPH. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1954. Thursday, Friday Guatemala Is about the size of Ohio. City, County i v- Composition Talk On Camera Club Dinner Program An address entitled "Cnmnri- 54 Homecoming For Trinity High A Extend Hours For Registration Both the McLean County regis -1, inraty mgh School will cele- Drate its annual homecoming Thursday and Friday with a pa- tion for Everyone" by Paul Pratte raae, iootDau.

game and dance as the main events. tration office and the Bloomington Election Commission ofSc will The parade will start at the high remain open until 5 p. m. Satur of St Louis, will climax the 18th Annual Salon and Dinner of Bloomington-Normal Camera Club Saturday evening. Mr.

Pratte, a fellow of Photographic Society of America, will use black and white prints, color school at about 7 p. m. Thursday day to accept voters' registrations i (Advertisem*nt) PHd Clinic's Oinlmont Discovery Means West Pili Yictiss Cca Pet Off Scrsery ladefiaxtify Not a "tUorvticaT dvr. not jwt mnriifiad skia mJv Ttm formula tha nault of boCi mtdkal and surf, kal study of mora this 75.000 caaa obaanrad ia Tborstoa fiaor Hca-Pil' apacUliiad frUu clinic Ap prorad by Thornton Mioor rrtl wboaa axpariaoca fcaa abowa bow aad uodar wfeat wit pilat eaa ba radncad aafeiy by aoo-aurpcal maana and tba right way to ta Boo-aurxkal pila-ahriakiaj eattmant. Don't Uka cbancaa on pCm; yoa aaak to tad oca tham by aoo-aurpcal nathoda, than vm rtiaic-daraiopad.

bcapital-approvad Thornton Moot Oiatmaot. Aak for Thornton Minor hospital pSa oiatmaet or aorpoa tones at Payless Drug today. ana win proceed to the Illinois Wesleyan University stadium. for the Nov. 2 election, officials announced Wednesday.

where the Trinity grid forces will The two offices, located In the slides and a sketch pad duringvhis lace Marquette High School of Ot courthouse basem*nt, regularly tawa. Dance Friday close at noon Saturday but be laiK. i After the address ribbon-winning prints and slides will be shown. cause Monday is the registration On Friday night Trinity alumni The judges Mr. Pratte, his wife.

deadline the hours were extended this week. Reeistrations for the Nov. 2 election will be accepted and Norman Price, also of St Louis will comment on them. The event will be held at Trinity until 5 p. m.

Monday. will be entertained at a dance given by the present student body. Called "Football Daze," the dance will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. in the high school gym, with Reid Baker's orchestra playing.

A breakfast Thursday morning Voters who have registered pre Lutheran SchooL Monochrome Thomas Erelslxer Evelsizer Awaiting Discharge From Army Corp. Thomas Evelsizer of prints will be judged starting at viously need not do so again on-less they since have charged addresses or altered their names. 1:30 p. the dinner is to begin at 6:30 Women who have married since at Knights of Columbus Hall for students, coaches and Trinity faculty will start the homecoming Bloomington will receive his dis y' I v. j.

last registering must report name charge from the Army Thursday Add 2 New at ion bnendan. acccrdiner to festivities. 1 Queen, Court changes, officials explained. To vote in the November election, citizens must have registered word received by his wife. Mrs.

No Risk You get tetter Trrolstsr HearL-j cr you et your ror.ey tsck cn ACOUSTCi'S frM-CM Marjorle Evelsizer of 106 E. Kel- Classes To and have lived In their precincts sey St The parade Thursday night will consist of decorated cars following a bus carrying the football Corporal Evelsizer entered serv ice in October, 1952, and spent 12 Adult Series months in Austria with the 518th I i ii Engineer Company. HOW TO CUT UP a side of beef is the enviable learning chore of students at a "retail meat clinic" this week at Bloomington's Campbell Holton Co. Some of the local area meatmen attending are, from left, H. A.

Klopfenstein of Eureka; Dale Pike, Bloomington, and Jerry King, Pekin, who watch a Chicago expert, Gil Calder, (second from right) explain process. Two new courses have been add team and an automobile with the homecoming queen and her court. The royalty includes Edith Kleinniark, the queen, Mary Fitz, Mary Jane Anderson, Nancy Ottis and Stephanie Kane, her court. Edith will be crowned queen at He is a son of Mr. and Mrs.

ed to the Adult Education curri li culum since 20,000 brochures were Pantifriph Photo Melvin G. Evelsizer of 1201 N. Roosevelt Ave. Seaman Haye: Returns mailed to Bloomington-Normal residents a week ago. 30 days, in the county 90 days and the state one year.

Lovelass To Have Part in Conclave Dr. Harry D. Lovelass, principal of University IDgh School, will serve as a resource person at a meeting of Illinois Secondary School Principals' Association at the University of Illinois Tuesday. The panel in which Mr. Lovelass will take part is to deal with providing effective counseling services In schools with enrollments of less than 300.

half-time ceremonies. Joseph Shaw, president of the They are entitled "Know Your Meat Retailer's. Bone Up On Best JH and ling of Wares Red Staging senior class, is chairman of the To Oregon "Navy Base TV" and "Jewelry and Metal the great, new TUBELE55 acousticoh 3.TXANS1STOK HI A. XI NO AD homecoming dance. Work." The first course is for those who Areas Near Seaman John Hayes kft for the U.S.

Naval Station A two week school for retail want to learn basio repair and Tongue Point at Astoria. fol meatmen is beine held at the maintenance of their television lowing a 30 day visit with his ton; Wilbur Smith, Minier; Robert Woll, San Jose; C. Of. Quigley, Pontiac; Qetus Casper, Cullom; Terry Thompson, Chatsworth, and Kenny Cook, Bloomington. Quemoy Hit set.

It will be taught by Douglas Campbell Holton Co. in Blooming- mother, Mrs. Julia Hayes of 803 so Ploss, a former air force radio Navy Bomber Crash Fatal To Crew of 12 tonThe subjects range from beef 99 S. Moms Ave. He also visited and radar instructor.

nortvftei TAIPEI (UP) Waves of Chi cutting to cooking and carving. other relatives In Illinois during his leave. i Debt Collections Jewlery and Metal Work, to be Teachers are from Swift Co. nese Nationalist planes loosed tons of explosives and rockets Tuesday taught by Dwight Baker, a Bloom Army Man Arrives of Chicago. Their students hail ington High School Instructor, will AMwmmU K'W- CUtma Aay KJa Dbl-Aarwb ta Amw Urn.

Ctlaa Ma rtaa. from Central Illinois and parts of on Red buildup areas around lead students into the formulation a fa at Una I Acoosticon Bach Co. C0f Cora Belt Bank Blaamiartan. 111. Phana 4-T3TJ MANILA (UP) Ten charred Seaman Hayes, who has been1 stationed at Astoria for the past! year, works on the base newspa-J per and does radio broadcasting.

I The Trinity High School graduate I Indiana. The classroom, first of its of earrings and necklaces, metal threatened Quemoy Island amid bodies were recovered Wednesday type set up in Bloomington, is on MID-WIST CLAIM a ADjntTMKXT CO. Mr BU. Ct. W.

UttiN a objects and the like. growing fears the Communists from the wreckage of a U.S. Navy the third floor of the local grocery Know Your TV will be given for lull. BlMBiiitai. rkcaa firm.

might retaliate by air soon against bomber which crashed after taking" eight weeks, at 7:30 p. m. Wednes off from Sangley Point killing all Formosa. days, at Normal Community IDeh Set Up Market "Ptods" for the courses Include enlisted in the Navy in July, 1353. Only a few traces of prehistoric man are found in densely forested areas.

Nationalist P-47 Thunderbolts SchooL The jewelry class will be 12 crewmen aboard. The victims included three U.S. a lonmeat case, refrigerators. held Mondays at 7:30 p. m.

at braved typhoon. weather Tuesday Navy officers and nine enlisted carvangtables, scales and many to sink 11 Communist junks and BUS. Fees for both are $3. Classes open next week. other accouterments of the trade.

men. Their names were withheld. gunboats and damage scores of The meatmen attending repre The PB5M Martin took off for a '2) igut- sent Happy Hour or Superway others in raids off the coast of routine patrol mission over the For Duty In Japan I I I 1 Vv vJ I I I f*ckien province. Nationalist air groceries. This week enrollment China Sea Tueday night and was totals about 35.

Next week, a new force headquarters said the Reds Quality Photo Flntshlnf 8 HOUR SERVICE (la by 9. Oat by I) 111 W. Frost St tered artillery positions around the port of Amoy. The Communist guns have killed 27 civilians and made 1,463 other persons homeless on Quemoy, a Nationalist relief official disclosed. class of over 50 will take the apparently were massing junk course.

fleets under the typhoon cover. 1GW nny iXBfl mil i mn XST, Teachers travel all over the Planes from Formosa also plas- United States, setting up clinics such as this one for different gro cery firms. To Try Cooking Most of the meatmen at the lo gaining altitude when its right engine suddenly failed. It dropped sharply, narrowly missing the U.S. enlisted men's quarters near the airstrip, and slammed into the base armory.

Adm. Hugh IL Goodwin, commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Philippines, said Wednesday morning that 10 bodies were recovered. It was believed the bodies of 2 other victims were disintegrated in the explosion following the crash. The plane burned for more than two hours.

cal school are proprietors or meat department managers. In addition to learning how to cut and prepare different meats for sale, Pvt. Richard D. Sutter they will delve into such topics as Pvt, Richard D. Sutter arrived display, advertising and personal salesmanship.

in Japan Sept 12, he has informed On Wednesday, the men will his parents, the Paul Sutters of eieioro'f hover about an electric range for R. R. 2, Normal. 9 a short course in cooking. The end The Army man graduated from Trinity High School in 1953, en tered the Army Jan.

13, and took result will be a feast on what a good steak should be. Among Pantagraph area men at the school this week are Gene Becker and Thomas Graham, Mor- his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. The Sutters have two other sons $50.00 for Your Old Sofa or 2-Pc. Suite on a 2-Pc. Wool Frieze Living Room Suite Pay Only 139.95 SCHUSTER'S 116 S.

Main service, Cpl. William R. Sutter who is stationed in Germany and aht' Navyman Paul E. Sutter who is serving aboard the USS Laning at Order far FsU DeMrerr Monuments-Markers R. J.

YON Y0SSEM CO. Norfolk-, Va. MAIN ST. Evented S-S0 US 8. Phone 1-71W iamond ubilee Says Lawn Needs Fertilizer, Lime URBANA Give your lawn a fresh supply of plant food for next spring by putting on about 20 pounds of a fertilizer with a 10-8-6 or similar analysis to each 1,000 square feet this fall.

H. R. Kemmerer, extension landscape specialist at the University of Illinois College of Agriculture, also suggests that you test your lawn, soil to find out how much lime to put on to sweeten the ground. If you have to wait too long to have a test made, Kemmerer says to go ahead and put on 50 pounds Seventy-five years ago (October 21, 1879) Thomas Edison gave us the first practical incandescent light bulb. From this cnlqua discovery developed the electric power industry-one of the greatest single factors in raising our standard of living.

This year, all the civilized world joins in celebrating Light's Diamond Jubilee join the celebration with us! Take advantage of the latest developments in good lighting! of hydrated lime or 75 pounds of ground limestone for each 1.000 square feet of lawn area. Then you can test to see whether more is needed next snrincr Grub-proof the lawn with lfil Thomas Edison pounds of lead arsenate or one-fourth pound of actual chlordane to each 1,000 square feet. If you kill grubs and other soil Insects, you won have any trouble with moles. Rake the lawn, smooth it and fill in low spots, if you wish, with fine topsoil. Then seed a recom mended grass mixture adapted to your sou and location.

Roll after Notice of Sale of Real EsJafe of Alice Goodman Estate On Friday, October 8, 1954 at 2:00 P. M. Central Standard Time AT PUBLIC AUCTION In the Farmyard of the Alice Goodman 240 Acres Located at the Place Hereinafter Described. Located nine miles west and one and one-half miles north of Clifton. Illinois; or six miles east and one mile north of or seven and one-half miles southland one mile west ofHerscher.

Illinois; said farm is located in Iroquois County, Illinois, Public Notice is hereby given, that on Friday, October 8, 1954, at 2:00 P.M., Central Standard Time, the undersigned, who are executors of the estate of Alice Goodman, deceased, will sell the said real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder, subject, however, to the right of the said executors to reject all bids and to withdraw the real estate hereinafter described from sale; said real estate is described as follows The Northeast Quarter (NE U), and the North One-Half (N V2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE M), of Section Thirty-One (31), Township Twenty-Nine (29) North, Range Ten (10) East of the Third Principal Meridian, County of Iroquois, State of Illinois. Said real estate will be sold subject to: a. Roads and highways b. Rights of the Shell Oil Company, a Delaware Corporation, for an easem*nt across the said land for pipes and pipe lines for the transportation of oil, petroleum or any of its products. c.

Rights of the Bergen, Goodman Taylor Drainage District of Iroquois and Ford Counties, Illinois. The improvements on said real estate consist of a two-story house, modern; corn crib, bam, tool shed, double garage, chicken house and hog house; the house and all farm buildings are in excellent condition. All the land is tillable. Limestone and phosphate have been applied to the whole farm. TERMS OF SALE Purchaser or purchasers to pay twenty 20) of the purchase price cash in hand on date sale, "id the balance of the purchase price on or about March 31.

1955, within ten ilO) days axter presentation of an abstract of title showing merchantable title. Said real estate be sold fre and cler- oi mortgages and tree and clear ot 1953 taxes, yabie in 1954. and free and clear of 1954 taxe payable in 1955, but suojert to the rights of the tenant. Arthur Johnson, who is lr possession said real estate said rights expiring on the 28th day of February. 1955.

Possession ill be delivered March 1, 1955. A contract embodying the foregoing terms will be entered into' between the undersigned, as such executor aid tht successful bidder, if any. A deed will be made, xecute' and delivered by tile undersigned executor conveying all its right, title and interest in the said property, held by it as executor of and trustee under the provisions oi the Last Will and Testament of Alice Goonan, Deceased. Dated at Kankakee Illinois, this 29th day September, 1954. CITY NATIONAL BANK OF KANKAKEE, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Alice Goodman, Deceased.

GRAY, PETERSEN and ACKMAN, Attorneys, Kankakee, Illinois. seeding to firm the soil and htlp the seeding get a start SKIRTS look better lost longer bulbs It's the latest dtvtlopment in oood lighting deon looking "whita" that giv you soft, vtn Eght with leu glar end shadow! TSay cost 5 mora than convenflooal bufbt, end wt think they're wall worm Hi NEW smoH 200 wcrrt but SmoHer in size, this new bufb is designed to fit many of your fixtures where more light is needed a great help in the kitchen, basem*nt, play room or garcgel Here's our FREE Jubilee offer ffo YOU! Offer No. 1 Buy 4 bulbs of the new "white" type two 60 watt two 100 watt for the regular price (all four for 88) and we'll give you FREE the new-type 200 watt bulb. Offer No. 2 Buy six conventional bulbs of whatever wattage you need at the regular price well give you a new-type 200 watt bulb FREE! 6 with Model-Paris finer DRY CLEANING Her? 30 ur chance to get acquainted with these wonderful new bulbs join the big Jubilee! Phone 5-2021 Bloomington Normal.

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.